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Jordan is one of the gems of the Middle East. It is unknown to many travelers before they arrive. It is unforgettable once the journey there is concluded. Guaranteed!

Jordan is packed with places of interest that illuminate biblical history and early Christian history as well. Well known sites such as Madaba and Mt. Nebo, where Moses glimpsed the promised land before he died, attract countless pilgrims each year. The King’s Highway runs the length of Jordan and was used by Moses and the ancient Israelites during the Exodus. It holds forth wonders missed by most visitors who never venture off the well-worn tourist route. Jerash, i.e., ancient Gerasa, was one of the cities of the Decapolis. It was well known to Jesus and today, it is one of the best preserved Hellenistic cities anywhere in the Mediterranean region. Jordan preserves impressive remains of Byzantine churches and the extravagant mosaics that decorated them.

The Rose Red city of Petra is thrilling for all visitors. Travelers marvel at its mystery, its mountainous geographical setting and its extraordinary rock-carved temples, tombs and dwellings. Wadi Rum is a breathtaking, spectacular desert environment that figured prominently in the events of the Arab revolt during World War I and the exploits of T.E. Lawrence, also known as Lawrence of Arabia. Our travelers enjoy its charm, experience adventure and encounter Bedouin culture while traveling in open air 4x4s. You can even spend a night or two at a desert camp. We explore desert civilization, ancient rock carvings and natural desert wonders. Amman, the capital city, is home to more than half the Jordanian population and displays Jordan’s contrasts from traditional to sparkling modernity.

Our journeys in Jordan usually occur in combination with touring in Israel and Palestine or as an elective to a journey to Israel.

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