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Plant A Tree in Palestine

The Plant a Tree in Palestine program is an initiative to accompany and support Palestinian land owners by enabling them to keep their farm lands under cultivation. It generates revenues, provides income to support families, and reforests the land. You can donate or you can participate or both!


Your donations help us purchase, plant and sustain trees and vines. Your gift will purchase a variety of saplings, including olive trees, almond trees and grape vines. Your gift will also purchase tools and pay local laborers to sustain the fragile saplings for one year after planting.

Who Benefits?

You will be the first beneficiary of your gift, because you will know that you are making a vital difference in planting hope, providing partnership and promoting peace in a tragically conflicted region. In addition, the Plant a Tree in Palestine project yields benefits many times greater than the amount of your gift:

  • Generate income for families in a region with 60% unemployment
  • Support local Palestinian growers and generate future agricultural income
  • Support the Palestinian economy by investing in Palestinian products
  • Support the reforestation of West Bank land
  • Promote ecological awareness
  • Prevent expropriation of Palestinian land and expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank


You can also volunteer preparing the ground and with planting. We need more volunteers to continue the work throughout the months of June and July. The cost of your volunteer experience will include lodging, meals and transportation to and from the volunteer site. You can arrange your own air travel or to save money, join one of our groups and depart the USA on any of the following dates:

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