Welcome to the scrapbook pages. You can upload your own images. You can browse photos that other travelers have posted. For now, we have created a few scrapbook pages to illustrate what we mean. Some are dedicated to a sampling of specific journeys. Others are specific destinations, e.g., the Holy Land or Italy. There really are no limits. Let’s see where this takes us!
Add Your Images from Greece
Add Your Images from the Holy Land
Add Your Photos from Italy
Add Your Photos from Turkey
Holy Land Pilgrimage 25.2.20 Wisconsin Annual Conference
Paul's World & Mission 30.9.19 NEAC Pilgrimage in Greece & Italy
Biblical Backgrounds in Italy Harvard Epworth Church 30.5.18
Pilgrimage to Turkey & Greece Wisconsin Annual Conference 22.4.19
The Rev. Darren Morgan Bible Tour in the Holy Land 20.6.19